BROOKVILLE, Kan., Nov. 12— Cowboys rode the plains of central Kansas today rounding up cattle trapped by a searing prairie fire that raced over 100 square miles, killing a hunter and endangering a town.
High winds that pushed the flames across the prarie Thursday were also blamed for the fire.
Officials said the winds knocked a tree limb into power lines that fell to the tinder-dry grass.
The flames, out of control for six hours Thursday, burned to within 25 yards of buildings on the outskirts of Brookville, a town of 250 people in central Kansas.
David Weir, 25, of Salina, who was burned trying to open a fence and save trapped cattle, died early today in St. Francis Regional Burn Center in Wichita. His hunting companion, Raymond Gillespie Jr., 26, of Salina, was in seriously injured.
Terence Hanson
The obituary sounds so like him. He was always a nice person. He was nice to be around. He was a great person in this life. He will be missed. Jim Hanson.